At your service.

Welcome to Geniosity, a smarter, friendlier team of IT geeks, built for small business.

Unlock potential

We’ve found that small businesses aren’t taking advantage of the tools or assets they already have, because no one has shown them how.

So many businesses we have worked with, are astounded at the value that already exists in their business that hasn’t been unlocked yet, because they haven’t been shown the way.

This is one of the biggest best-kept-secrets to business growth: you already have assets to help you grow, it’s just a matter of working smarter, not harder.
That’s where our expert team comes in.​​​


We’ve built a team specifically for you - the small business owner, to help you use technology and tools to grow without having to pour money into the wrong technology which may not deliver the solution you need.

If you’re sick of trying to get technology to work the way it should then optimised technology is an intelligent, reliable and cost effective way to automate your business.​

Sometimes it can be hard to see where you are missing out on opportunities when you’re technology has you working in your business, not on it. 

Our team can help review your entire IT infrastructure and software to see where we can leverage your existing technology or enhance it with smart solutions to drive your business growth.

More importantly, optimising your technology means you don’t have to worry about “keeping the IT lights on” but your staff and resources are freed up to focus on innovation and allow your team to think creatively and differently every single day.

We also let you know if we think you’re doing a great job, and you might not need our help at all! 


We create and deploy software that can work to both increase business efficiencies as well as bring ideas to life.


Whether you’re about to embark on changing the IT infrastructure or looking to integrate a new way of doing things, we have extensive experience in providing advice and support when it comes to large IT shifts.

Cloud Solutions

Considering moving your business onto Office 365 or maybe Google? We can help you migrate across to these Cloud platforms to help streamline how you run your business, and keep all information readily accessible.

Teaching and Training

Now as geeks, we love to get excited when people want to learn from us. We definitely are enthusiastic when we’re invited to train new staff or whole teams on how technology can make their lives easier.

Virtual Technology

How will tomorrow’s technology impact your business or more importantly, how can you get ahead of the game and integrate it into your business? We have a series of Artificial Intelligence, Drone Technology, Virtual Reality and several other future-technology programs you can begin to integrate into your business.

At work support

Whether you’re looking to introduce a bring-your-own device program at work, embed new audio visual equipment, update existing software or refresh your devices and equipment, our geeks can help you out.


Our experienced team are here to help support you on your business journey. But we want to point out that technology doesn’t just mean laptops, chargers and wifi. If used wisely, it can be the secret weapon you need to automate and optimise not only your business, but your income.

Who do we help?

Although we deal with small to large organisations across a variety of industries, we primarily help businesses with 5 - 25 employees. Generally we find these teams are big enough to have day-to-day IT woes, but just can’t justify a full time role for IT support.

Bringing you the best

We work with a range of market leading technology providers to bring you the latest thinking, and technology.

Because we’re not tied to one specific provider, we’re able to offer you options that suit your needs, not the needs of the provider your supplier might be contracted to.

Why us?

With over 13 year of experience, we’ve seen too many businesses missing opportunities because they aren’t shown how technology can turbocharge their performance.

Our geeks want to change that!

Get in touch today for your free trial, to see if you’re missing out.